Monthly Archives: January 2019

SPLA Audit Support

SPLA audits are continuing to rise.  There are various reasons behind audits but ultimately it is part of your SPLA agreement.

If you are faced with an audit, it is important not to go through it alone.  Your plan should include ways to reduce your risk before it becomes a risk.  Our licensing experts have the ability to review your data, understand the risk, and put together a strategy to reduce exposure.

Additionally, Microsoft recently announced SPLA price increases for January 2019.  This means you can report your SPLA usage reporting no later than the 10th of January and still receive 2018 pricing.  It is very important to do so to avoid a month of increases.  Secondly, there are ways to optimize what you are currently reporting to reduce costs.

If you are going through an audit currently or want to reduce your SPLA reporting, please reach out to us to discuss our strategy.  You can email

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Posted by on January 3, 2019 in Uncategorized